For over thirty (30) years we have worked with investors’ whose portfolios have been mismanaged. If you have not studied securities analysis or portfolio management, you may not understand why your portfolio has not performed properly given the market’s historic rise.
In upcoming articles, we will highlight some recent cases we’ve concluded or matters under investigation or review. If you have questions about your portfolio or investment, we can review your case and offer our opinion.
UBS Wealth Management sold an option strategy fund titled: “YES” or, “Yield Enhancement Strategy” to increase the yield in the bond portion of investors’ portfolios.
The YES program was sold as a “market neutral” or conservative program that would limit risk. It was constructed with an “options overlay” strategy which combined put and call options on the S&P 500 Index. UBS has claimed the product was generally sold to “sophisticated investors” with a net worth of at least $5 million and appropriate risk tolerances for an options strategy.
Losses in 2020, when the market took a deep decline based on the Covid reaction, were substantial. However, marketing materials touted downside protection and advised the strategy’s performance would have little correlation to the market.
If you’re looking for more information on this investment, we can consult with an investor and discuss issues and actions involving the YES fund.
- Mr. Gail E. Boliver has represented investors for 30 years and has approximately 70 arbitrations in addition to several court cases with many cases settling through mediation or otherwise.